A critical look at identity,
migration and popular mobilization: understanding
violence and securitization in times of crisis
The current edition of Cabo dos
Trabalhos comprises articles written by Ph.D.
candidates of the International Politics and Conflict
Resolution Programme, a joint programme of the Centre for
Social Studies and the Faculty of Economics of the
University of Coimbra. Covering a diverse array of cases
and locations, this collection of articles comes together
around interrelated topics of outmost importance to our
current times. They verse about identity, migration,
popular mobilization, violence and securitization, among
other things. In all, this collection shows the diversity
of research carried out, along with a critical trend in
theoretical approaches, which have characterized this
Ph.D. programme along the years. The work developed within
this Ph.D. framework has been contributing to the training
of young scholars on peace and violence-related studies,
furthering this area of studies in Coimbra and Portugal.
This special issue dedicated to ‘A critical look at
identity, migration and popular mobilization:
understanding violence and securitization in times of
crisis’ gathers nine essays, seeking to highlight some of
the most pressing issues in these topics.
Fernanda Pulcineli in her article entitled
“Normalizing the Unpredictable: Social Movement Society,
Constructivism, and Social Psychology” challenges us to
think about the way in which social movements have been
altering social and political norms in the new century. To
build her analysis, she resorts to Constructivism and
Social Psychology studies as both disciplines offer the
right tools to understand people’s emotions, grievances,
and identities – important dimensions underlying the
social movements’ most recent changes.
Also bringing together Constructivism and
Social Psychology, Ricardo Palmela de Oliveira argues in
his paper that the latter has much to offer to the
International Relations research agenda. According to him,
Social Psychology offers a broader understanding of how
opposing identities lead to intergroup conflict, serving
as a possible complement to Constructivism. He illustrates
his argument by focusing on the portrayal of Palestinians
by Israelis in Michael Mayer’s movie “Out in the Dark,
Breaking Glass Pictures”.
The case of Yemen is the object of study of
Heloíse Guarise Vieira. After carefully describing the use
of the Responsibility to Protect tool in a regional scale
during the post-Cold war period, she enumerates different
reasons why this mechanism could work as a possible
solution for the case of Yemen. According to her, the
toolkit of Responsibility to Protect could contribute, for
instance, for the desecuritization of the region by giving
other meaning to the Saudi-Arabian-led military
intervention in the country.
Linking Constructivism and securitization,
the work of Inês Sousa, “The Other, the mother of all
borders: The U.S-Mexico frontier”, reflects on how and why
population movements have become to be considered a
security issue. By analysing the speeches and policies of
former United States presidents, she concludes that the
idea of threat and intolerance were key to the development
of the traditional definition of security towards the
concept of population movement.
Still in the field of securitization, João
Victor Pinto Dutra examines the relationship between the
high rates of homicides in Brazil and the country’s
security policies. To that matter, he builds upon the
School of Paris in order to understand how and why more
securitization ends up being translated into more
insecurity for Brazilian young men.
From Latin America to Africa, in his paper,
Mário Gonçalves examines the French military intervention
in Ivory Coast. After presenting a detailed review of
France’s historical presence in the African continent,
Gonçalves argues that France’s military intervention in
Ivory Coast in 2011 corresponded to the interests of both
the French government and Ivory Coast’s political elites.
In his work entitled ““The Clash of
Civilizations?”: reality or approach 25 years later.
Review of Samuel Huntington’s idea of identity, ethnicity
and religion from several theoretical stances”, Miguel
Sotto-Mayor Negrão analysis Huntington’s work through the
lenses of Constructivism, Liberalism, Structural-realism,
Post-colonialism and Neoliberalism. The author concludes
that despite Huntington’s valid points on issues such as
identity, ethnicity and religion, we are not doomed to
conflict as these new schools of thoughts have offered
alternative perspectives and new convincing solutions to
Huntington’s issues.
Refugees and refugee crisis are at the
centre of Pedro Constantino’s work. According to the
author, the concept of refugee crisis, used in different
outlets and forms, has been co-opted by political elites
in order to maintain the status quo as well as sustain
different relations of power. To build his analysis, the
author resorts to Post-Structuralism, calling attention to
the dangers of discursive categories attributed to
refugees which have helped to create false identities.
Finally, theoretically rich and empirically
enticing, these pieces should be read by anyone interested
in the pressing issues of migration, identity,
international intervention, among others.
Maria Raquel Freire
Natália Bueno